Weather Agent
The Weather Agent example highlights the following features:
- Function calling
- Using
to store uer preference
Weather Agent
Provide the weather to users. Use the get_weather
function to retrieve current weather status for a location.
agent {
name = "weather-agent"
description = "Agent that provides weather data. Handles all weather related query"
prompt {
You are a professional weather service. You provide weather data to your users.
You have access to real-time weather data with the get_weather function.
Use 'unknown' if the location is not provided.
Always state the location used in the response.
# Instructions
- If you cannot help the user, simply reply I cant help you
- Use the get_weather function to get the weather data.
- Use multiple function calls if more locations are specified.
tools = listOf("get_weather")
Weather function
Provide the weather for the specified location.
- If a location has not been provided and no location is stored in memory, prompt the user for a location.
- If a location has been provided, store it in memory so that the location can be omitted in later calls.
name = "get_weather",
description = "Returns real-time weather information for any location",
params = types(string("location", "a city to obtain the weather for."))
) { (location) ->
val locationSpecified = location != "unknown" && location?.isNotEmpty() == true
val locationToUse = if (locationSpecified) location else memory("weather_location")
if (locationToUse == null) {
"Please provide a location."
} else {
if (locationSpecified) memory("weather_location", location, MemoryScope.LONG_TERM)
if (!locationSpecified) +"Using your location preference of $locationToUse."
The weather is good in $locationToUse. It is 20 degrees celsius.