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Extensions are functions that can be called throughout the Arc Agent DSL and provide additional functionality, such as reading data, logging, and more.

Redaers are also functions. They are described in the Readers section.


The logging functions, debug, info, warn, and error, can be called within the Agent DSL to log messages.

Example using the warn function in a filter block.

agent {
name = "weather"
description = "Agent that provides weather data."
prompt { """ Some system prompt """ }
filterInput {
if(inputMessage.content.contains("Waldo")) warn("Found Waldo")

The functions use a the logger with the name ArcDSL.

The name of the logger is required, for example, when using Spring Boot. For example, to configure the log level in the application.yml:

root: INFO


The llm function calls an LLM model to generate a response. Unless specified otherwise, the default LLM model is used.

Example using the warn function in a filter block.

agent {
name = "weather"
description = "Agent that provides weather data."
prompt { """ Some system prompt """ }
filterOutput {
outputMessage = llm("Generate a different response")

Time, Date, Year

The time,date and year functions can be used to provide the current date to the LLM.


agent {
name = "weather"
description = "Agent that provides weather data."
prompt { """
The current time is ${time()}. // returns 12:00
The current date is ${date()}. // returns 28.09
The current year is ${year()}. // returns 2024
""" }

To ensure that the correct time zone is used, the zoneId parameter can be set.

 time(zoneId = "Europe/Berlin")