Agent Beans
The Arc Agent Framework has first-class support for Spring Boot applications. Therefore, the Arc Agents DSL can also be used to define Spring Boot beans. This may be a better approach than using Kotlin Scripting if there are any security concerns for production applications or if the application is to be complied to a native image using GraalVM.
The Arc Agent DSL can be directly used in Spring Boot @Configuration
and @SpringBootApplication
The name of the bean and the name of the Agent may not be the same.
For example,
import io.github.lmos.arc.spring.Agents
import io.github.lmos.arc.spring.Functions
class Configuration {
fun myAgent(agent: Agents) = agent {
name = "My Agent"
prompt { "you are a helpful weather agent." }
tools = listOf("get_weather")
fun myFunction(function: Functions) = function(
name = "get_weather",
description = "Returns real-time weather information for any location",
) {
The weather is good in Berlin. It is 20 degrees celsius.
Once declared as beans, the Agents can either be injected into other components or
retrieved from the AgentProvider
(provided the arc-spring-boot-starter
is used).
val agentProvider: AgentProvider
agentProvider.getAgentByName("My Agent")